Director of Community Impact, Jamie Richman is our guest columnist this week
Through the recent Savannah Jewish Community Survey, we learned that There is a significant support for all adult programs. More than three-quarters of respondents rated all programs for adults as very or somewhat important. (If you haven’t yet read any of the results, you can read the executive summary here or watch our consultant, Joy Goldstein, present the results here),
Over the years, we have heard, “where is the young Jewish Savannah for us older adults?” “What programs do you have going on at the JEA for adults?”
You asked and we listened. We’ve hired Audrey Biloon, as the Arts & Ideas Coordinator and she has hit the ground running with programs, classes and trips for adults.
Take a look at some of these exciting offerings for the next month:
We hope you'll join us each Thursday at 12:30 PM at the JEA to meet old & new friends for a delicious kosher lunch (prepared by our talented new chef, Danny) and (always) an interesting presentation, at Food for Thought – all for just $7.
Please call the JEA at 912.355.8111 to RSVP by Tuesday of each week (and be sure to let them know if you’d like to be added to the weekly call list).
You can click here to see the list of upcoming programs.
Introducing the new J Traveler program: field trips for adults. We kick off the program with a trip to Beaufort, South Carolina on Sunday, December 19. Enjoy a guided tour of the historic Beaufort National Cemetery & Beaufort synagogue with lunch on the waterfront.
Nothing to do on Christmas? Come together with friends for the Jewish tradition of Chinese & a movie – this time, at the JEA! Enjoy a Chinese inspired dinner prepared by Chef Danny and then watch the classic movie "Hester Street."
The Savannah Jewish Federation and Jewish Educational Alliance is partnering with Chabad of Savannah to offer the first series of adult education at the JEA. Please join us for “The Journey of the Jewish Soul.” This course will be boldly exploring one of the most asked questions - what happens after we die?
This 6-week course will be held at the JEA on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM, beginning January 12 and taught by Rabbi Zalman Refson.
Still to come are more classes including the popular Israel History class with Ken Miller, Hebrew Ulpan and Jewish cooking classes; monthly day trips to surrounding areas of interest and social events. Plus, be on the lookout for information on the Jewish Arts & Culture Festival which will be coming up in March. Interested in getting involved? Let us know!
Have other ideas? Want to speak or lead a class? We want everyone involved. Be sure to email Audrey at or call her on Mondays and Wednesdays at the JEA.
We look forward to having “something for everyone” and seeing you all at an event soon!
Shabbat Shalom,
Jamie Richman
Director of Community Impact
Savannah Jewish Federation & Jewish Educational Alliance | 912.355.8111