Jewish Family Services is a department/committee of the Savannah Jewish Federation that functions as a referral agency to programs and services around the Savannah community. Our goal is to help improve the emotional, economic, and spiritual quality of life of our community and serves all ages.
All inquires, services, and support are treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Services/programs of Jewish Family Services include:
Jewish Educational Loan Fund-Federation's JFS is a partner of JELF in providing no-interest, last dollar financing for a wide range of US accredited colleges, graduate school, or degree-granting vocational programs;
Reference & Referral-Federation's JFS communicates and collaborates with community partners to provide quality resources and information to families and provides throughout our area;
Emergency Financial Assistance-JFS helps that in desperate need by providing financial assistance when no other family member or community resources are available, sufficient, or appropriate. Emergency Financial Assistance is designed to be a one-time crisis intervention for help with basic needs;
Food for Thought-A weekly 'lunch and learn' program hosted on Thursdays at 12:30 at the Jewish Educational Alliance, is an opportunity for a nutritious lunch and area speaker;
Summer Experience Grants-In recognition of the great importance of providing substantive Jewish experiences, the Savannah Jewish Federation has designated funds to support participation in Jewish summer programming.