
You don’t need to be a mind reader to know what the menu will be on many Shabbat tables this evening…Turkey, Stuffing, Potatoes, Veggies and the like.  Some of us will take this opportunity to make it a little less formal with Turkey on Challah sandwiches (I’m partial to turkey, cranberry and stuffing on my challah) while others will repurpose the leftover turkey into soup, enchiladas, pot pies or grain bowls. 

As Thanksgiving fades in to Shabbat, this Shabbat will fade into Chanukah.

While not quite Thanksgivukkah, the portmanteau of when Chanukah and Thanksgiving landed on the very same day in 2013, there is something special about having the celebrations come so close together. 

Many of us lit candles on the festive Thanksgiving table, we light candles tonight for Shabbat, and Sunday night and for the Chanukah days thereafter, we light the Menorah adding another candle each day for eight days.

Lighting Chanukah candles with your family is one of the most treasured traditions.  During the shortest days of the year, we gather around the menorah (or menorahs) to sing the blessings and songs (some of us ‘dance around the Chanukah lights).

And while Chanukah is most often celebrated in the home, it is also an opportunity to come together as a community.  Together we can share the light and memories…together.  There are a number of public gatherings in the community for you to take part of including

Chanukah in the Square where you can join Chabad of Savannah as they honor the heroes of the Savannah Fire Department with the “Great Chocolate Gelt Drop” at Ellis Square (Sun, Nov 28 at 4:30) or;

Chanukah Family Night where Congregation Bnai Brith Jacob invites you to join them at Star Castle Arcade for games, laser tag, skating and more (Mon, Nov 29 at 6pm) or;

Hanukkah Party & Fundraiser where you can join Congregation Agudath Achim for an evening of fun with a community candle lighting, music, dinner, and children’s programming (Thu, Dec 2 at 5:30) or;

Festival of Lights, Hanukkah Celebrate where you can join Congregation Mickve Israel for Young Family Hanukkah (5pm) followed by Shabbat and Hanukkah Celebration Oneg (6pm) (Friday, Dec 3) or;

Chanukah FESTival of Lights where the community is inivited to celebrate the last night of Chaunkah with games, food, activities for all and the lighting of the Community Menorah, a join program of the Federation, JEA, and #ShineaLightonAntisemitism (Sun, Dec 5 at 3pm).

The entire community is warmly welcomed to all of the events which are a powerful showing of Jewish pride as we shine a light on antisemitism.  Together we have a chance to create joy and light for Savannah and for the world to see.

Shabbat Shalom v Chag Urim Sameach

PS  BTW..the next time that Chanukah and Thanksgiving are scheduled to be on the same day is 76,695 (and that is open to argument with many positing that it will never happen again).