Chief Operating Officer, Jamie Richman is our guest columnist this week
... have kids or grandchildren that receive PJ Library books?
... were in youth group when you were a teenager or have a teen in youth group now?
... were involved in the Hillel at your college or have a child who was?
... have been on Birthright or sent one of your children or grandchildren on Birthright?
... have been to Young Jewish Savannah event?
... have been to a Thursday Lunch at the JEA – now called “Food for Thought”?
... have been to a Savannah Jewish Film Festival (now the Savannah Jewish Cultural Arts Festival) event?
All of these programs and so many more are supported through the Savannah Jewish Federation’s Annual Community Campaign.
Through the dollars that are raised each year, Jewish Family Services can pay the electricity bill of a client to help keep their lights on, or give them food to put on their table after the hurricane when they had to throw everything away, or get them the help they need from one of our licensed social workers.
Over 140 kids in this community receive books from PJ Library or PJ Our Way. These books are free to families raising Jewish children and many times, the entry way into Jewish involvement.
Over the past year, there were more than 150 young adults have come to a Young Jewish Savannah event. They have made great friends, some have even found love. Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, these young adults have a place to go and are beginning to connect to the community.
Each year, the Savannah Jewish Federation raises money through the annual campaign and allocates it to organizations – locally, nationally and around the world.
Locally, funds raised through the Savannah Jewish Federation Annual Community Campaign support Jewish organizations such as the JEA, Shalom School, Rambam and SCAD Hillel.
Internationally, funding goes to support the most vulnerable Jewish populations. And, also to fund Birthright Israel – some call “the most important thing to happen to the Jewish people since the creation of the state of Israel.”
The Savannah Jewish Federation Annual Community Campaign does all of this and so much more.
We look forward to the next few months as we get to share these stories and more about the amazing work being done locally and around the world because of you and the dollars we raise here in Savannah.
Please answer the call when a community member calls you about your 2023 pledge.
Please open your checkbooks, wallets and more to give generously.
Please volunteer to make calls to raise the essential dollars.
Please save the date for #GivingTuesday (Tuesday, November 29) to come together to celebrate and make calls.
And, please join together as we kick off the 2023 Savannah Jewish Federation Annual Community Campaign on Wednesday, October 26 to celebrate the amazing difference our community makes – and to begin raising those essential funds to continue through the 2023 SJF Annual Community Campaign!
Shabbat Shalom,
Jamie Richman
Chief Operating Officer