I may work at the JEA but I also participate in almost everything the JEA has to offer. This is not only a testament to the great programs and services that the JEA offers – but as a working parent with two young children, the “one-stop shop” is a LIFESAVER. Last week was the perfect example.
8:30 AM I dropped my son Micah off at JEA Preschool Savannah before I went to work (luckily, I just have the short commute of walking up the stairs of the JEA).
9:00 AM Micah was picked up from his classroom by Coach Teresa, Swim Lesson Coordinator, for his weekly group swim lessons (I knew how important teaching your children to swim was but man is it a game changer to enjoying family time in the pool!).
2:00 PM Micah got picked up from his classroom again to go to Small Hands Sewing, an afternoon enrichment class with Ms. Penny.
3:00 PM The JEA was offering the Flu & COVID vaccine clinic so I walked downstairs to the JEA Melaver Auditorium where I got BOTH my Flu vaccine and COVID booster (you can see the proof here).
4:00 PM I wrapped up my last meeting of the day, got changed into my workout clothes and ran down to the JEA Fitness Center where I had my weekly personal training session with David Collison.
5:00 PM Once I was thoroughly worn out and sore (but happy that I took some time to take care of myself) I filled up my water bottle and walked to the JEA fields to watch my son play Micro-Soccer with Coach Callie, JEA Youth Sports Coordinator.
5:30 PM My husband Steven joined us at the JEA and we made our way to the outdoor pool for Dinner by the Pool where Jess Whitacre, JEA Health & Wellness Director, grilled delicious hotdogs that my sweaty children gobbled up before jumping in the pool to play with friends (and show off their swimming skills thanks to Coach Chris, JEA Aquatics Director).
7:00 PM Steven loaded the car with our tired children with full bellies to bring them home for the day and I ran back up to my office for a board meeting.
That was a good day – and I didn’t even have to move my car from my favorite parking spot!
The JEA really does have something for everyone – and more is coming!
Be sure to mark your calendars for Food for Thought back in person again on Thursday, November 4, sign up for piano lessons with Anita Homansky on Tuesdays, check out a new fitness class (maybe one that has been moved outside!), register your kids for a Saturday Night Out and so much more.
(This is also a shameless plug for working at the JEA – we have some great opportunities available. Check them out here).
Shabbat Shalom,