Whether it be sleepaway or day camp, most summer camp programs kick off this coming week. Here at JEA Camp Savannah, we’ve spent this entire week with 40+ counselors learning CPR, reviewing safety protocols and best practices for working with children and teambuilding. And what a great team they are creating.
We are blessed to have an experienced leadership team: DJ Horton, Jackie Laban, Emma Loncon, Lynette Mikell, and Kristina Messore—they are the envy of every camp program. Between them they have over 40 years of Children and Camping experience at the Alliance.
A few years ago I read a rabbi’s blessing which inspired the following in advance of camp starting…
To all our campers:
May you be blessed with
abundant amounts of sunscreen and bug spray;
new adventures, learning and experiences;
a great attitude, curiosity and kindness;
fun camp snacks and meals (no, bug juice is not made from bugs);
new and longtime friendships;
new found independence and confidence.
To all the counselors
May you be blessed to know
you will never have more influence on others than you have at camp;
that we are proud of who you are and who you are becoming;
you are the one creating lifetime memories as someone once did for you;
that this is one of the hardest jobs you will ever have, but one of the most meaningful.
To all the parents
May you be blessed
with free days to spend time more time on yourself;
with patience during drop off and pick up;
to know that your child is more independent and able than you ever thought;
to remember that your child is taking risks, safely;
to realize that your child is trying new things, exploring, and experimenting who they are and advancing to whom they will become.
Whether you are summering in the mountains, up north, at Tybee or just at home, may we all be blessed with
a summer of health and happiness;
a summer of safety;
a summer of growth and laughter;
a summer filled with experiences and memories to last a lifetime.
Shabbat Shalom v Chag Shavuot Sameach,