At "the AA," we seek to create a unique atmosphere which combines the best of community, spirituality, and we daven with intensity; every single day. We have opportunities for learning, every single day. We strive to respect each other and refrain from lashon hara, every single day.
At "the AA," we believe that fund raising should not come before family raising. We believe that a Judaism of the heart can also be a Judaism of the mind. We believe that our role as Jews is always to rise up in holiness, to constantly intensify our Jewish involvement.
At "the AA," we share the classic rabbinic attitude which combines tradition with change and principle with pluralism. We neither abandon our tradition nor rigidly conform to it. We do not allow our beliefs to interfere with our ahavat yisrael, our love for the people and land of Israel. Above all else, derech eretz and our role as Jews is always to rise up in holiness, to constantly intensify our Jewish involvement. Menschlichkeit, decency and humanity are the principles we wish to embody.
At "the AA," in a word, we aren't just a congregation. We're mishpacha!