
30 2013

Jews on Screen: Treasures from The National Center for Jewish Film

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

JEA 5111 Abercorn St.
Savannah, GA 31405

Contact Jennifer Rich

Hosted by Sharon Pucker Rivo, co-founder and Executive Director of National Center for Jewish Film at Brandeis University.

Join NCJF director Sharon Pucker Rivo for a peek into the archive vaults and view clips of rare films from the Center's collections, including : Ghetto Fish Market 1903, Cohen's Advertising Scheme 1904, home movies of pre-war Jewish communities, German-made Nazi propaganda, Yiddish feature film classics, and Harry Truman toasting Eddie Cantor at an Israeli Bonds dinner in 1957. This special evening is made possible by the Savannah Jewish Film Festival.

Popcorn, beer and sodas for sale. $10 per person. JEA Member Value Price: $8 per person.