Who We Are

The Savannah Jewish Federation is the focal point of our Jewish community. As a central communal organization, we are dedicated to preserving and enriching Jewish life throughout Savannah and to perpetuating our identification with the State of Israel. It is the only community body with representation from almost every formal Jewish organization: large and small, religious and secular, social, political, cultural and educational. Through Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), The Savannah Jewish Federation is the mechanism through which the Savannah Jewish community is connected to over 800 other Jewish communities across the continent, and the broader Jewish agenda throughout the world.

The Savannah Jewish Federation is viscerally connected to the State of Israel. Our prime vehicle is the JFNA Campaign, which provides direct funding and services through the Joint Distribution Committee (worldwide) and Jewish Agency for Israel.

The Federation is YOUR organization – with policies and priorities set by knowledgeable, well-trained and committed community volunteers on behalf of fellow community members. 

Why a Federation?

Mission & History

Charged with raising, collecting and distributing funds, the Federation seeks to "advance the welfare of the total Jewish community." The Federation strongly supports Israel and world Jewry. Additionally, the organization strives to "preserve the civil, political, economic and religious rights of all Jews," to develop an articulate, intelligent and constructive Jewish community and to promote mutual understanding with the community at-large. Locally, the Federation allocates funds to the Jewish Educational Alliance; to JEA Preschool Savannah; and Shalom School - providers of Jewish education; Jewish Family Services - the lifeline agency for social services and emergency funds for the most vulnerable members of our community; Bnai Brith Youth Organization and the SCAD Hillel campus - for Jewish socialization opportunities for the younger members of our community; and others.

The primary recipients of our overseas funds are our JFNA overseas partners - the American Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency for Israel. Between them, vital funding for programs and services are being provided to our fellow Jews in Israel, the former Soviet Union and elsewhere, to ensure Jewish continuity everywhere.

The Savannah Jewish Federation also operates the Jewish Community Foundation of Savannah, which was established to ensure the future of our community. The Foundation is creating the financial foothold that will keep the Savannah Jewish community strong and vibrant for generations to come through a series of endowments and investments.